2021-07-06 10.00-11.00

Greek National Tourism Office is organising a free virtual showcase (in English) for tour operators and travel agents from Sweden and Finland. Date & time: 6th July, at 10.00-11.00.

Accessible via zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82065872468

  • Introduction by Harry Theoharis, Minister for Tourism.
  • “Safe Greece”: Accurate, concrete information about requirements to travel.
    Enjoy Greece by GNTO + Q&A time.
  • All you wanted to know about outdoor activities (trekking, diving, biking…) presentation by an incoming tour operator + Q&A time.
  • “Beyond Summer”: From Continental Greece to Creta – much more is possible in Autumn and Winter presentation by an incoming tour operator + Q&A time.
  • Concluding remarks: Association of the travel agents and tour operators of Greece.

Moderator: Eric Dresin, ECTAA