
Som tidigare meddelats så filade SAS för ’Chapter 11’ den 5 juli. IATA meddelar att man inlett diskussioner med SAS högsta ledning och deras rådgivare för hur kraven på betalningsförpliktelser kan upprätthållas samt hur man säkerställer att SAS finns kvar i IATA BSP under Chapter 11 perioden.

Informationen från IATA i sin helhet:

On Tuesday, July 05 2022, Scandinavian Airlines System  (SAS), SK-117 initiated a voluntary reorganization process in the United States of America, known as Chapter 11. 

IATA has started discussions with Scandinavian Airlines System’s senior management and their appointed advisors in order to address the requirements for Scandinavian Airlines System to remain in the IATA settlement systems during this period and to ensure that all payment obligations are maintained. 

Additionally, Scandinavian Airlines System has received authority (but not the obligation), on an interim basis, to continue to pay all amounts due to the IATA settlement systems in the ordinary course.  The parties are optimistic that this authority will be issued on a final basis in the coming weeks. We will keep you informed of any further developments.

Juan Antonio Rodriguez
Director GDC
FSDS – Global Delivery Center
PAConf & PSG Secretary