
Enligt information från ECTAA är Czech Airlines under konkursskydd och en tjeckisk domstol har godkänt en omorganisering av företaget för att undvika konkurs.  Resebyråer/researrangörer bör registrerar sina krav mot flygbolaget senast 10 maj 2021. Mer information finns HÄR. För FAQ se HÄR.

Recommendation for TOs/TAs is to register in insolvency proceedings no later than 2 months from the date of publication of the bankruptcy resolution, i.e. by 10 May. The application can be made on their own or through a law company. Both due and outstanding receivables can be registered. 

Applications and their annexes are submitted in duplicate to the Municipal Court in Prague on the prescribed form, which is published on the website of the Ministry of Justice (www.justice.cz) or on the insolvency register website http://isir.justice.cz//. The submission can be made in an electronic form to the court’s data box or in an electronic form signed by a recognized electronic signature. Applications that will be filed later are not taken into account by the insolvency court.

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